Anders Fairy Tale

Anders was already awake when the sun started to spill over the tops of the hills and through his window. The room was still dark but shafts of light stabbed through the smoke that was drifting from the fireplace and into the ceiling beams. The world was still quiet, his parents were asleep on their … Continue reading

Metro (an excerpt from my novel)

I really wanted to share something from the novel, and I think this is a good bit. It really doesn’t give anything away, but it introduces two of the characters nicely. I am happy with the feeling from these 600 words and I feel like if you like this than the entire book (or most … Continue reading

Oh yeah, my blog…

I have been really down on myself lately. I think in the bottom of my heart I expected that if I could put in a years worth of work, then I would be rewarded with a steady stream of new visitors, some kind of job knocking down my door and some amount of monetary reward for all … Continue reading

The Pursuit of Happiness

  Rachel turned the round knob of the radio until the static turned into a repeating beat, and the faint sound of instruments could be heard on the torn up speakers. Her skirt was starting to pull up from her waist, and her bare legs stuck to the old leather seats like saran wrap on … Continue reading

Shadow Puppets

They boy held the stone tight in his hand as he pulled his arm back. “Good, now point your finger away from you, and let the long end of the rock line up with your finger.” The young man thought hard about what was going on between his fingers, behind his back. “Now the important … Continue reading

So thats what it takes to publish a book!

by Levi Haag

As I have said before, when I started this blog I had no clue that it would inspire me to change my life as drastically as I am about to. I wanted to be more creative, and use my time on the computer for more constructive things than Team Fortress 2 marathons (as much as … Continue reading

The Fire Escape Pt. 2

By the time Felix had finished his sentence he was staring off into the night sky. He could feel his eyes start to swell up like holding back his tears was causing some kind of build up on the other side of his eyelids. Olivia moved towards the stairs and for a few seconds held … Continue reading


Today is the first, of what I hope will be many, nights where I sit hands at the keyboard typing and deleting word after word. I realized that for too long I have been waiting to “feel the urge” to write, and unfortunately waiting to feel the urge to write is like waiting to feel … Continue reading